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National Forest Policy 1987 (Revised 1992) has underlined the need for non-timber forest resources sustainable management to be implement in order to ensure the interests of resource-based industries. Bamboo cultivation project is an effort by the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) in introducing the results of non-timber resources with potential for commercialization.

Permanent Reserved Forests were managed according to the concept of sustainable forest management since the beginning of the 20th century. At present, with a shift in demand and requirements of the public for a variety of forest products and services, the concept of sustainable forest management has been expanded to cover other areas such as forest protection functions and non-wood production.

  • Bamboo belongs to the group of family Gramineae grasses. It grows in temperate regions in semi-tropical area which has the open and well drained environment. Bamboo can be classified into two types of growth which are monopodial growth (single stem), and sympodial (clump). Bamboos in Malaysia belong to sympodial growth.

    Differences between Monopodial and Sympodial Bamboo

    Monopodial Simpodial
    The growth in single The growth in clump
    Grow in a temperate climate Grow in a tropical climate

    It is estimated there are 59 bamboo species in Peninsular Malaysia which are from seven genera of Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Dinochloa, Racemobamboos, Schizostachyum, Thyrsostachys and Gigantochloa.

    The amount and percentage of bamboo clumps in Peninsular Malaysia

    Jumlah dan Peratus rumpun buluh di Semenanjung Malaysia

    (based on the National Forest Inventory-5)

    Many products can be produced from bamboo such as chopsticks, furniture, musical instruments, toothpicks, picture frames, handicrafts, and ornamental. In spite that, Bamboo also being use for landscaping gardens for public recreation and private area.

    Species Bamboo And Commercial Use In Peninsular Malaysia

    • Species: Bambusa blumeana

      Local Name: Buluh duri

      Use: Chopsticks, furniture, musical instruments, toothpicks.

    • Species: Bambusa heterostachya

      Local Name: Buluh galah/ tilan/ paring/ pengat

      Use: Pole, picture frame, toothpicks, satay skewers.

    • Species: Bambusa vulgaris

      Local Name: Buluh minyak/ aao/ aro/pan/gading

      Use: Ornamental, toothpicks, satay skewers, chopstick.

    • Species: Gigantochloa levis

      Local Name: Buluh beting/pering

      Use: Bamboo sprout

    • Species: Dendrocalamus asper

      Local Name: Buluh betong/bisa

      Use: Bamboo sprout

    • Species: Gigantochloa ligulata

      Local Name: Buluh Tumpat Tikus/belalai

      Use: Picture frame, bamboo sprout.

    • Species: Gigantochloa scortechinii

      Local Name: Buluh semantan/rayah/ gala/paao

      Use: Handicrafts.

    • Species: Gigantochloa wrayi

      Local Name: Buluh beti/raga

      Use: Handicrafts, satay skewers, toothpicks.

    • Species: Schizostachyum brachycladum

      Local Name: Buluh lemang/nipis/ padi/pelang/urat/rusa

      Use: Handicrafts, ornamental, toothpicks.

    • Species: Shizostachyum zollingeri

      Local Name: Buluh dinding/ nipis/ kasap/telor

      Use: Handicrafts, satay skewers, toothpicks.

    • Species: Bambusa vulgaris var.striata

      Local Name: Buluh gading

      Use: Ornamental.

    • Species: Schizostachyum grande

      Local Name: Buluh semeliang/Semenyeh

      Use: Picture frames, handicrafts.

    • Rattan belongs to the family of Palmae and classified in the largest group of the subfamily Calamoideae. There are 13 genera of rattan in the world. They are Calamus, Calospatha, Ceratolobus, Daemonorops, Eremospatha, Korthalsia, Laccosperma, Myrialepis, Oncocalamus, Plectocomia, Plectocomiopsis, Pogonotium and Retispatha.

      In Peninsular Malaysia, there are about 107 species of rattan comprising 8 genera where are only 20 species being identified to have market value. Among them are Calamus Manan, C. ornatus, C. turnidus, C. scipionium, and C. Caesius.

      Generally, rattan grows in moist areas and will be decreased in number when an area is always experiencing change in humidity. In Peninsular Malaysia, rattan can be found from the coast to the mountains. However, the most suitable habitat for rattans is in dipterocarp forest.

      Based on the National Forest Inventory 5 (NFI-5), there were 268,644,319.85 clumps /rattan cane which have been surveyed and the result showed that Calamus manan has the highest percentage compared to the other types of rattans. The fraction is as table 1.

      Pecahan Rumpun Batang Rotan Mengikut Jenis

      Table 1: Fraction of clump / rattan cane by type

      The most economic contribution from rattans is through processing furniture and handicrafts. Among the furniture are chairs, tables, beds, and utensils. The most important species in rattan-based industries in Peninsular Malaysia are Calamus manan and Calamus caesius.

      Species Local name Use
      Calamus manau Rotan manau Furniture
      Calamus scipionum Rotan semambu Furniture
      Calamus tumidus Rotan manau tikus Furniture
      Calamus ornatus Rotan dok Furniture
      Calamus caesius Rotan sega Furniture
      Calamus javensis Rotan lilin Bonding materials
      Calamus laevigatus Rotan tunggal Furniture and handicrafts
      Calamus axillaries Rotan sega air Furniture and handicrafts
      Calamus speciosissimus Rotan sega badak Furniture and handicrafts


      • Calamus manan at Compartment 7/15, Bukit Kesing Forest Reserve, Terengganu

        Calamus manan at Compartment 7/15, Bukit Kesing Forest Reserve, Terengganu

      • Calamus manan at Compartment 7/15, Bukit Kesing Forest Reserve, Terengganu

        Calamus manan at Compartment 7/15, Bukit Kesing Forest Reserve, Terengganu

      • Pictures shows the seeds of Calamus manan in compartment 26, Behrang Forest Reserve, Perak

        Pictures shows the seeds of Calamus manan in compartment 26, Behrang Forest Reserve, Perak

      • Pictures shows the seeds of Calamus manan in compartment 26, Behrang Forest Reserve, Perak

        Pictures shows the seeds of Calamus manan in compartment 26, Behrang Forest Reserve, Perak

      Contact Us

      Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia Headquarters,
      Jalan Sultan Salahuddin,
      50660 Kuala Lumpur
      Phone. No: 603-26164488
      Fax: 603-26925657
      E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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