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The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) is one of the departments under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Nature Sustainability, Malaysia and comprises the Forestry Department Headquarters Peninsular Malaysia, 11 State Forestry Departments and 33 District Forest Offices located throughout the peninsular. The Department is headed by the  Director-General of Forestry and assisted by two Deputy Director-Generals. At the end of 2014, the total workforce is 5,121.

Function of The Department

The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia is responsible for the management, planning, protection and development of the Permanent Reserved Forests (PRF) in accordance with the National Forestry Policy (NFP) 1992 and the National Forestry Act (NFA) 1984.

Functions of The Directorate

The Directorate comprises the Director-General of Forestry Peninsular Malaysia and is assisted by two Deputy Director-Generals. They are responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies, strategies and objectives of the Department, as well as in coordinating the administration, management, development and conservation of the forest resources to meet the needs of the country.

Forestry Department Headquarters

The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia headquarters is responsible for the formulation of forestry policies, providing technical advice and assistance to the State Forestry Departments with regard to forest planning, management and development, forest harvesting and wood-based industries, forest operational studies as well as training and human resource development.

The Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia headquarters has two (2) Deputy Director General namely the Deputy Director-General (Policy and Planning) and Deputy DirectorGeneral (Operations and Technical), each responsible for six (6) divisions respectively. In addition, two (2) units and one (1) Division are directly accountable to the Director-General of Forestry.

Policy And Planning Sector

The Deputy Director-General of Forestry (Policy and Planning) is responsible for forest planning and economics, forest resource management, silviculture and forest biological conservation, forest Eco-park and state forest park development, international forestry affairs as well as forest plantation and protection

Operations And Technical Sector

The Deputy Director-General of Forestry (Operations and Technical) is responsible for administration and finance, forest engineering, technical and wood industry, forest enforcement, forestry training and human resource development as well as information technology systems development.

State Forestry Department

The State Forestry Department is responsible for the administration and regulation of forest harvesting,  forest revenue collection and development of the state forest resources. The Department also plans and coordinates the development of wood-based industries. The State Forestry Department is divided into Forest Operations and Forest Development Divisions and supported by District Forest Offices.

Forest Operations Division

Responsible for administration, forest law enforcement, forest revenue collection as well as to coordinate and maintain liaison with the Forestry Department Headquarters, other state departments and agencies.

Forest Development Division

Responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring of forest management and development activities, including biodiversity conservation, ecotourism development and forest rehabilitation as well as the preparation and implementation of the State Forest Management Plan.

District Forest Office

Responsible for administration, controlling forest harvesting, forest revenue collection and forest law enforcement. The office is also responsible for implementing forest management and development activities including the management of forest eco-park and state forest park.

Forest Planning & Economics Division

This Division is responsible to coordinate, supervise, evaluate and monitor the implementation of forest development projects at Federal and State levels, Quality Systems and forest management certification, FDPM Strategic Action Plan 2008-2020; as well as to plan and conduct forestry economic studies, besides the publication of reports and statistics.

Forest Management Division

This Division is responsible for matters pertaining to forest management and inventory; provides advisory services to the State Forestry Departments on the techniques and management systems as well as natural forest resource evaluation.

Silviculture & Forest Biodiversity Convervation Division

This Division is responsible for the implementation and coordination of natural forest silvicultural activities; management, development and conservation of forest biodiversity; and to provide technical advice on forest development to the State Forestry Departments.

Forest Plantation & Protection Division

This Division is responsible to implement and coordinate forest plantation development and management; development of agroforestry; nurseries; gene banks and seed production areas; rehabilitation of coastlines; as well as prevention and control of forest fire, diseases and pests.

Internation Affairs Division

This Division is responsible in addressing forestry issues as well as promoting close cooperation and cordial relationship at regional and international levels to safeguard the nation’s interest and image.

Forest Training Division

This Division is responsible for the planning, coordinating and implementing of in-service training courses and technical courses; as well as Forestry Certificate courses for Forest Rangers and Foresters.

The Enforcement Division Forest

This Division is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of forest enforcement activities as well as to provide advisory services and technical assistance to the State Forestry Departments on matters related to complaints, information gathering and investigation of forest offenses.

Forest Engineering Division

This Division is responsible to provide technical advice on the construction and the maintenance of forest roads and infrastructure to the State Forestry Departments and the construction and maintenance of buildings and other infrastructure of the Department.

Management Services Division

This Division is responsible for providing management support services; office administration; human resource management; financial and asset management; resource center management; enforcement of security measures and the protection of Department’s classified documents; and conducting competency assessments.

Information Management Division

This Division is responsible to coordinate the management and usage of ICT as well as the development of forestry information application systems and mapping using GIS, RS and GPS technologies; and to provide technical advice and assistance on ICT and geospatial information to the State Forestry Departments.

Technical & Wood Industry Division

This Division is responsible to provide technical advice on mechanical engineering, mill design, machine selection and processing techniques for the wood based industry as well as forest harvesting techniques; and workers’ occupational safety and health.

Legal Advisory & Prosecution Division

This Division is responsible for legal matters at Federal level involving FDPM as well as to provide advisory services on matters related to law and prosecution to the State Forestry Departments.

Forest Eco-Park & State Forest Division

This Division is responsible to coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of forest eco-park and state park forest development, as well as to provide technical advice on forest ecotourism to the State Forestry Departments.

Corporate Communication & Public Relations Unit

This Unit is responsible for forest extension and the dissemination of forestry information; enhancement of FDPM’s image; as well as development and management of forestry gallery.

Forestry Integrity Unit

This unit is responsible to integrate the management of all matters related to integrity at FDPM in order that the management of integrity will be more focused and organised through the implementation of six (6) core functions namely the governance, strengthening integrity, detection and verifi cation, complaints management, compliance and discipline. 

Contact Us

Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia Headquarters,
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin,
50660 Kuala Lumpur
Phone. No: 603-26164488
Fax: 603-26925657
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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