Forestry Integrity Unit
Encik Ab Muneim bin IbrahimPositionHead of Forestry Integrity UnitEmailmuneim[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.227Reinforcement Integrity Section
Gs. Michael bin MaijohnPositionAssistant Director (Reinforcement Integrity)Emailmichael[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.557Encik Muhamad Rizal bin Abd RahimPositionSenior Assistant Officer (Reinforcement Integrity)Emailrizal[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.558Governance, Compliance & Discipline Section
Encik Muhamad Azizun bin JaafarPositionSenior Assistant Director (Governance, Compliance and Discipline)Emailazizun[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.555Puan Maziah binti KamaruzamanPositionSenior Assistant Administrative Officer (Governance, Compliance & Discipline)Emailmaziah[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.680Monitoring and Verification Section
Encik Azrul Fadzly bin AyoubPositionAssistant Director ( Detection and Verification)Emailazrulfadzly[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.536Encik Abdul Halim bin SanuiPositionSenior Assistant Officer ( Complaints Management)Emailabdhalim[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.558Administration Unit
Puan Siti Nurhafizah binti Abd RahmanPositionAdministrative Assistant (P/O)Emailnurhafizah[at]forestry[dot]gov[dot]myPhone+603-2616 4488Ext.233 -
To create a good Governance and highly integrity work culture in the public sector so as to increase public confident toward clean management in the Forestry Department Of Peninsular Malaysia . The Forestry Integrity Unit will undertake six (6) core function, namely:
- Governance Implementation of the best corporate governance;
- Strengthening Integrity Implementation of acculturation, institutionalization, and integrity in the organization;
- Detection and Verification To Detect and verify criminal misconduct and violations of the code of ethics of the organization and to undertake appropriate actions are taken; and Report any criminal misconduct to the law enforcement agencies responsible;
- Complaints Management To receive and investigate all complaints / informations related to criminal misconduct and violations of the code of ethics of the organization;
- Compliance To ensure compliance to the running laws and regulations;
- Discipline To act as the secretariat to the Disciplinary Board of the agency.
Background Forestry Integrity Unit Establistment on 15th February 2014 and lead by MACC Senior Officer. The establishment of the forestry was mooted Integrity Unit from the year 2008. The Special Integrity Management Committee (IMC) meeting in 18th August 2008 has decided that a Senior Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) (at the time) officer be placed as the Chief Integrity Officer as cadre post in the high corrupt risk Ministry and Department. Integrity and Governance Committee Meeting (IGCM) in 6th June 2013 have agreed to establish the Agency Integrity Management Division in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). A Circular No. 6 of 2013 related to the establishment of the Integrity Unit in every public agencies at Federal and State levels was issued with effect from 1st August 2013. Power Source Service Circular. No 6 Year 2013 Public Officers Regulations (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993 MACC Act 2009 Objectives The objective of the Agency Integrity Unit is to integrate the management of all matters related to integrity. The existence of this unit will take the initiative as a special unit to focused and organized integrity program where the elements of institutional, integrity, prevention, compliance and detection of misconduct can be enforced efficiently and achieved optimal outcomes. Justification Establishment Combating corruption and upholding integrity is not an exclusive responsibility of the Malaysian Anti- Corruption Commission (MACC). Each and every civil servants are equally responsible to ensure compliance with applicable laws, policies, and procedures of the Government. Therefore, the establishment of the Forestry Integrity Unit is a new approach and strategy in strengthening institutional, integrity and anti-corruption among civil servants, who are the "owner" of the initiative. In designing the structure and functions of the Forestry Integrity Unit, the MACC, together with the Public Service Department (PSD) and the Royal Malaysian Police in 2012 had conducted a benchmarking study in Taiwan and the United States of America. The establishment of the integrity unit in those countries had been existed and could be adapted and implemented appropriately in the Forestry Integrity Unit. A study that found the role of integrity unit has successfully minimize violations of integrity among law enforcement bodies thus increase the capability of the government revenue collect and minimizing wastage and leakage in implementing development projects.