Socioeconomic Impact of the Belum-Temenggor Ecological Corridor on the Local Communities in Gerik, Perak |
1. Poh Lye Yong 2. Muhammad Fekri Taib 3. Siti Raihana binti Ramli 4. Dr. Mohd Afandi Abu Bakar |
2017 |
This publication provides the findings from the study conducted under the development project titled "Management and Development of Central Forest Spine" under the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011 - 2015). This study is attempts to identifying economic opportunities that can be explored by local communities, the effects of the project on the livelihood of the local communities and identifying ecotourism activities that can be developed in the study area. This book contains 6 chapters that illustrate the objectives and methodology of the study; project overview; description of study area; socioeconomic valuation method; findings and strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis (SWOT analysis). |
Economic Value Of Honey Bees, Peninsular Malaysia |
1. Poh Lye Yong 2. Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman |
2007 |
This publication provides the findings of the study carried out under the development project entitled ‘Total Economic Valuation of Forest Goods & Services in Peninsular Malaysia’ under the 9th Malaysian Plan that attempts to measure the economic significance of the forest in relation to the production of wild and cultured honey from forest and planted trees in Peninsular Malaysia, particularly in the state of Pahang. This book contains 10 chapters which provides the objectives and methodology of the study; anatomy and taxonomy of honey bees as well as products and services provided by bees; wild honey collection; beekeeping; natural honey trade; financial management in an apiary; cost and earning structure of wild honey collection and apiculture industry; economic value of wild honey bees in honey collection from the forest and in eco-tourism. |
Economic Value Of Forest In Elephant Conservation, Peninsular Malaysia |
1. Poh Lye Yong 2. Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman |
2008 |
This publication provides the findings of the study carried out under the development project entitled ‘Total Economic Valuation of Forest Goods & Services in Peninsular Malaysia’ under the 9th Malaysian Plan which attempts to evaluate the roles of forest as habitats for the wild elephants. This is done through the willingness to pay for the conservation of wild elephants and the related eco-tourism such as safari, as well as cost of damages caused by elephants. This book contains 10 chapters and provides the objectives and methodology of the study; anatomy and family structure of elephants; forest as habitat for elephants, economic valuation of forest as habitat for elephants; elephants, its role in eco-tourism; elephants in captivity; conservation values of wild elephants; and economic valuation of eco-tourism in the National Elephant Conservation Centre (NECC). |
Biodiversity Of Flora, Fauna And Economic Value Of Tranum Forest Reserve, Pahang |
1. Tuan Marina Binti Tuan Ibrahim 2. Shamsul Khamis |
2009 |
This publication reflects the richness and biodiversity of the forest that includes flora such as higher and lower plants; fauna like big and small mammals; amphibians and reptiles, fishes and aquatics, birds, stingless bees (trigona spp) and other fauna diversity; economic value of timber and medicinal plants; indigenous communities; and conservation biodiversity value found in the Tranum Forest Reserve, Pahang. |
Biodiversity Of Flora, Fauna And Forest Economic Value Of Batu Gangan Forest Reserve, Cameron Highlands, Pahang |
1. Tuan Marina Tuan Ibrahim 2. Shamsul Khamis 3. Nor Hafizah Roslan |
2010 |
This publication reflects the richness and biodiversity of the forest that includes flora like higher and lower plants; fauna such as big and small mammals as well as birds; economic value of medicinal plants, ornamental plants and other natural resources; indigenous communities; and conservation biodiversity value found in the Batu Gangan Forest Reserve, Cameron Highlands, Pahang. |
Economic Valuation Of Wild Ornamental Plants In Peninsular Malaysia |
1. Zulnaidah Manan 2. Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman |
2011 |
This publication provides the findings from the study conducted under the development project entitled ‘Total Economic Valuation of Forest Goods & Services in Peninsular Malaysia’ under the 9th Malaysian Plan that attempts to measure the economic significance of the forest in relation to the production of wild ornamental plants other than logs in Peninsular Malaysia, particularly in the state of Pahang. This book contains seven chapters which provide the objectives and methodology of the study; types of wild ornamental plants; nursery of ornamental plants, collecting activity of wild ornamental plants; cost and earning structure of wild ornamental plants collection; and economic value of wild ornamental plant collections from the natural forest. |
An Economic Analysis Of Swiftlet Edible Bird’s Nest Industry |
1. Zulnaidah Manan 2. Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman |
2012 |
This publication provides the findings from the study conducted under the development project entitled ‘The Economic Valuation of Forest Biodiversity in Peninsular Malaysia’’ under the 10th Malaysian Plan. This study attempts to measure the economic significance of the swiftlet EBN industry in Malaysia. Information generated from this study, namely cost and earning structure and the production function of the swiftlet EBN industry is useful to operators, sellers, regulating agencies and economic planners. The cost and earning structure indentifies the major cost components of swiftlet EBN production. Collectors could use these information to raise the efficiency in the management of their business operations and to identify constraining tasks and attempts to reduce the overall production costs. Regulating agencies and economics planners could use these information to obtain an indication of the economic contribution of biodiversity resources particularly the interactions of the environment including forest, with swiftlets in EBN production. Finally, the study also provides an analysis of the current EBN consumption by Malaysian consumers. |
The Economic Valuation of Forest Conservation Benefits: Fisheries Habitat, Cage Fish Farming and Recreational Angling in Pahang |
1. Zulnaidah Manan 2. Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman |
2014 |
This publication provides the findings from the study conducted under the development project entitled ‘The Economic Valuation of Forest Biodiversity in Peninsular Malaysia’ under the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015). This study attempts to measure the economic significance of water catchment forest areas in relation to the production of clean waters for the rivers which support the rearing of freshwater fishes in cages in Peninsular Malaysia, particularly in the state of Pahang. The economic value of freshwater fish provides a potential for improving the conservation of forest biodiversity besides assisting in the production of goods and services of forests as an economic resource in Peninsular Malaysia. |