What is RSS?
RSS or RDF Site Summary is an application of XML (Extensible Markup Language) according to the specifications of W3Schools. It is a news syndication format and is used as an agent to get the news or online data from web pages that support this application.
What is RssReader?
RssReader is a program that allows you to receive news and information from web pages that support RSS directly to your desktop. To learn more about RssReader, please go to this page: http://www.rssreader.com/
W3C Function Support
JPSM website provide the facilities access for Disabled Persons (OKU) Disability Access
Blind Users;
Click IE Page Reader here.- Before you use these components, you must download the MS Speech API. If you use Windows2000, most likely your system already has these components.
- You also need at least one Speech engine . Speech engine is a 'voice' of a man or woman, who can speak English or other languages.
For further instructions on using this component, please click here.
Color-blind Users;
- For color blind users, there are several color options available on JPSM website. Users can select a color from the color selection displayed at left side of each page and JPSM website template will change immediately.
Elderly Users;
- For elderly users JPSM website provides different text size options facilities. Text size options are displayed at right top side of each page. User can choose whether to select text size larger or smaller according suitability.
Guide To Use Web OPAC
WEB OPAC is web-based online catalog that is used to detect materials in the collections of information with details such as call number, loans status and others.
Please visit the website of Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, and click on Web OPAC, as below:
- Users can search through any search method to choose leftstring, pattern, or keyword.
- Then select the desired keyword either title, name / author, subject, series, call number, etc.
- Enter the desired search keywords and click button 'Search'. Search results will appear. Record the necessary details.