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Forest management certification is one of the mechanisms for measuring forest management to help reduce the process of deforestation, protect catchment areas and water quality, conserve the environment, maintain the survival of forest resources, and improve the economy for local residents who depend on forest products in line with the Forestry Policy of Peninsular Malaysia.

The Malaysian Criteria and Indicators (MC&I) for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) or in short MC&I SFM is the national forest management certification standard that specifies the requirements for the certification of sustainable forest management system of a specified forest management unit (FMU), either natural forests or forest plantation. The Standard supersedes the MC&I (Natural Forest) and the MC&I Forest Plantation.v2 as the standard to be used for certification of forest management of natural forests and forest plantations in Malaysia.

The merging and harmonisation of these two forest management certification standards is intended to enable more efficient use of time and resources. In general, changes include limiting the conversion of forest plantations to other land uses; ensuring that the conversion of natural forests to forest plantations has no negative impact on areas with high carbon stocks; the need for procedures to minimise damage from oil spills; the need to reduce the use of fertilisers in the management of natural forests and forest plantations; and increases in conservation aspects as well as economic and social benefits.

The Standard has been designed to support and strengthen the regulatory framework within which the forest managers operate, where compliance with legislation is a minimum requirement. Its set of requirements supports the achievement of sustainable forest management, which may involve going beyond the legal minimum to fulfil the social, environmental, and economic aspects of certification.

The Standard is structured around nine Principles as follows:

    • Principle 1: Compliance with Laws
    • Principle 2: Tenure and Use Rights and Responsibilities
    • Principle 3: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
    • Principle 4: Community Relations and Workers’ Rights
    • Principle 5: Benefits from the Forest
    • Principle 6: Environmental Impact
    • Principle 7: Management Plan
    • Principle 8: Monitoring and Assessment
    • Principle 9: Maintenance of High Conservation Value Areas

The requirements in the Standard apply to both natural forest and forest plantation conditions unless specifically indicated in the Criterion or Indicator or Verifier, and must be adhered to throughout the activities conducted within the Forest Management Unit (FMU) either by the owner, manager, contractor, operator or workers involved in the management activities of the FMU. To date, seven (7) FMUs in the states of Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Selangor, Terengganu and Kedah have received Forest Management Certificates under the MC&I SFM standard, involving a Permanent Forest Reserved (PFR) area of 4.054 million ha. The MC&I SFM standard documents are in Appendix 1.


Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management Standard



 Forest Management Certificates under the MC&I



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Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia Headquarters,
Jalan Sultan Salahuddin,
50660 Kuala Lumpur
Phone. No: 603-26164488
Fax: 603-26925657
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