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Annona Glabra

A stand of Annona glabra have been found growning in the Matang mangroves area during the Forest Biodiversity Scientific Expedition. This is a significant finding as the spesies is not native to the area.

A. glabra belong to the same genus as the more popular Soursop (A. muricata) and Sugar-apple (A. squamosal). A. muricata and A. squamosa were natives to Central America. On the other hand, A. glabra was native to eastern part of Africa.

There were questions on how could this plant grow wild in Matang mangrove? Surely it was not planted by the local people as the fruits were inedible. It was believed that the propagules which were dispersed and floated from east Africa across the Indian Ocean. This is an example of long-distance dispersal of plants throughout the Asia-Pacific region, as did coconuts and nipah. This plant was also observed in the mangroves of Mersing, Johor.

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