A / R |
Afforestation and Reforestation |
ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Programme |
Assigned Amount Unit |
Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, Acronym used in the context of biodiversity negotiations |
Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrel. One of the Agreements under the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animal (CMS). Adopted in 2001, and entered into force in 2004 |
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity |
ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management |
ASEAN-Canada Economic Cooperation Management |
ASEAN Centre for Development of Agriculture Cooperatives |
ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee |
ASEAN Cooperation Plan |
ASEAN-China Senior Official Consultation |
ASEAN Consultation to Solve Trade and Investment Issues |
ASEAN Centre for Combating Transnational Crime |
ASEAN Common Technical Requirements |
AD |
Avoided Deforestation |
Adaptation |
1- Actions taken to help communities and ecosystems cope with changing climate conditions (UNFCCC) |
2- Genetically determined characteristic that enhances the ability of an organism to cope with its environment (CBD) |
Asian Development Bank |
Additionality |
1- Funding principal envisaged to ensure that the Global Environment Facility funds do not substitute for existing development finance but provide new and additional funding to produce agreed global environmental benefits. |
2- Approval test for projects under the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. CDM projects are considered additional if they would not have taken place in the absence of the CDM |
Acid Deposition and Oxidant Resource Centre (Japan) |
ASEAN Agricultural Development Planning Centre |
ASEAN Economic Community |
ASEAN Experts Group |
ASEAN Expert Group Meeting in Disaster Management |
ASEAN Experts Working Group on International Forest Policy Process |
ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting |
ASEAN-European Community Management Centre |
ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting |
ASEAN Environmental Partnership |
AF |
ASEAN Foundation |
ASEAN Multi-Sectoral Framework on Climate Change: Agriculture and Forestry Towards Food Security (AFCC) |
ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting |
Asian Forest Cooperation Organization |
Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use |
A forestation |
The direct human-induces conversion of land that has not been forested for a period of at least 50 years to forested land through planting, seeding and/or the human-induced promotion of natural seed sources (UNFCCC) |
Agenda 21 |
Programme of action on sustainable development adopted at the UN conference on Environment and Development in 1992, often referred to as the ?Blueprint for Sustainable Development?. Agenda 21 has 40 chapters dealing with all aspects of sustainable development, including social and economic dimension (combating poverty and promoting human health), conservation and resource management, major groups (e.g. women, indigenous people, business and unions), and means of implementation (e.g. financial resources, transfer of technology, public awareness and education) |
ASEAN Forest Product Industry Club |
Asia Forest Partnership |
ASEAN Free Trade Area |
Above Ground Biomass |
ASEAN Agricultural Hazards Early Warning System |
ASEAN Heads of Investment Agencies |
Animal Health and Production Information System for ASEAN |
Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group. Within the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a group of expert?s convened one or serval times to provide expert advice to the Conference of the Parties on specific issues. Example: AHTEG on climate change and biodiversity |
ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature |
ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature Review Committee |
ASEAN Institute of Forest Management |
ASEAN-India Joint Sectoral Cooperation Committee |
ASEAN-Japan Committee on Comprehensive Economic Partnership |
ASEAN-Japan Closer Economic Partnership |
ASEAN-Japan Closer Economic Partnership Expert Group |
ASEAN-Japan Consultative Group Meeting |
ASEAN Japan Development Fund |
ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Project |
ASEAN-Korea Expert Group |
ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area |
ASEAN-Korea Trade Negotiating Group/Trade Negotiating Committee |
ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry |
ASEAN Mekong Basin Development Cooperation |
ASEAN Members States |
ASEAN Minerals Cooperation Action Plan |
ASEAN Ministerial Meeting |
ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment |
ASEAN Ministerial Meeting On Disaster Management |
ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Haze |
ASEAN Natural Disasters Information Network |
Anthropogenic Emissions |
Greenhouse-gas emissions resulting from human activities, under the UNFCCC |
Alliance of Small Island States. A negotiating group and an hoc coalition of 43 small island and low-lying coastal States in the UNFCCC |
ASEAN-New Zealand Economic Cooperation Programme |
ASEAN-New Zealand Joint Management Committee |
ASEAN-Pakistan Joint Sectoral cooperation Committee |
ASEAN-Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institute |
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APFNet |
Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation |
ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative |
ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy |
Association Professional Officer / Asian Productivity Organization (Japan) |
ASEAN Research Centre |
ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation |
Agriculture, Reforestation, and Deforestation |
Academic Research Agreement |
ASEAN Regional Knowledge Network |
ASEAN Regional Programme on Disaster Management |
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community |
ASEAN Secretariat |
Association of Southeast Asian Nations. A regional community of 10 States with the aim of accelerating economic growth and social progress, and promoting peace and security |
The six major Association of southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) countries of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand |
ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network |
ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment |
ASEAN Sub-Regional Environment Programme |
ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change |
ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Centre |
ASEAN Network for Environment Management |
ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry |
ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment |
Automotive Authorised Treatment Facilities Framework |
ASEAN Timber Technology Centre |
ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change |
ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change and Forest |
ASEAN Working Group on Environmental Economics |
ASEAN Working Group on Environmental Management |
Ad-Hoc Working Group on Kyoto Protocol |
Ad-Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperation Action |
ASEAN Member States |
ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry (previously known as ASFN) |
ASEAN Working Group on Forest Management |
ASEAN Working Group on Forest Products |
Development |
ASEAN Working Group on Multilateral Environmental Agreements |
ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation |
ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity |
ASEAN Working Group on Transboundary Pollution |
Animal Waste Management System |
Basel Convention |
Shorthand for the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal. Adopted in 1989, entered into force in 1992 |
Business as Usual, A BAU baseline represent a projection of what would happen without an intervention, and in this instances serves as a benchmark to measure the impact of REDD actions |
Bali Action Plan |
Building Energy Index |
Berlin Mandate |
A decision adopted at the first Conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and which led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol |
Biosafety Clearing House (in context of the Biosafety Protocol) |
Binding |
Adjective which means that an instrument entails on obligation (usually for States) under international law. |
Biodiversity |
Shorthand for biological diversity. Variability among living organism from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. |
Biomass Fuels |
Energy sources that are renewable as long as the vegetation producing is maintained or replanted, such as firewood, alcohol fermented from sugar, and combustible oils extracted from soy beans. Their use in place of fossil fuels cuts greenhouse gas emissions because the plants that are their sources recapture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere |
Bioprospecting |
Exploration of biodiversity for commercially, scientifically, or culturally valuable genetic and biochemical resources |
Biosafety |
Set of measures or action addressing the safety aspects related to the application of biotechnologies (see biotechnology) and to the release into the environment to transgenic plants and other organisms, particularly microorganisms, that could negatively affect plant genetic resources, plant, animal or human health, or at the environment |
Biosphere reserves |
Sites recognized under UNESCO?s man and Biosphere Programme with innovate and demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development. They are of course under national sovereign and ideas nationally, regionally and internationally within the Words Network of Biosphere Reserves. There are 482 sites worldwide in 102 countries. |
Blast Oxygen Furnace |
Bonn Guidelines |
Shorthand for Bonn Guideline on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of Other Utilization. Adopted by the Sixth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in 2002 |
Budgetary Cost |
Expected actual costs incurred by countries investing in capacity building policies and measures related to REDD. Calculated based on actual costs incurred historically for similar activities, adjusted where possible for country specific situations |
Brundtland Commission |
Short for the World Commission on Environment and Development. Named after its Chair, Gro Herlem Brundtland, Norwegian Prime Minister. The Commission produced a report in 1987, Our Common Future, which laid down the concept of sustainable development |
Biennial Update Report |
Biennial Update Report International Consultation and Analysis |
Bushmeat |
Meat for human consumption derived from wild animals |
Cap and Trade. An emission trading system wherein an international or national regulator establishes an overall cap on emissions, issues emission units or rights, and allows the transfer and acquisition of such rights |
Compliance Action Plan |
Capacity Building |
Process of developing the technical skills, institutional capability, and personnel |
Carbon Market |
A popular term for a trading system though which countries may buy or sell units of greenhouse-gas emission in effort to meet their national limits on emissions, either under the Kyoto protocol or under agreements, such as that among member states of the European Union |
Carbon sequestration |
The process of removing additional carbon from the atmosphere and depositing it in other ?reservoirs?, principally through changes in land use. In practical terms, the carbon sequestration occurs mostly through the expansion of Forest |
Carbon tax |
Tax by governments on the use of carbon-containing fuels |
Cartagena Protocol |
Shorthand for the Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region. Adopted in 1983, entered into force 1986 |
Caucus |
A group of like-minded delegations, which meet both during and outside negotiations to develop common positions and negotiation strategies |
Community Based Organization |
Convention on Biological Diversity. Adopted in 1992. Entered into force in 1993. One of the Rio Conventions |
Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity |
C & I |
Criteria and Indicator |
Centre for Clean Air Policy |
Common and Coordinated Policies and Measure |
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre |
Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification |
Capacity Development Initiative (GEF) |
Clean Development Mechanism. One of the three market-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), whereby developed countries may finance greenhouse gas emissions-avoiding projects in developing countries, and receive credits for doing so which they may apply towards meeting mandatory limits on their own emissions (UNFCCC) |
Central and Eastern European Countries |
Communication, educations and public awareness |
CERs |
Certified Emission Reductions. Unit equal to one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, which may be used by countries listed in Annex I of the Kyoto Protocol towards meeting their binding emission reduction and limitation commitments. |
Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia |
CFCs |
Chlorofluorocarbon. A category of chemical substances that contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer. Regulated under Montreal Protocol. |
Central Forest Spine |
CfRN |
Coalition for Rainforest Nations |
CG 11 |
Central Group 11 |
Commission on Genetic Resources for food and Agriculture. Permanent forum established in 1993 under the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), where governments discuss and negotiate matter relevant to genetic for food and agriculture |
Clearing-house Mechanism |
Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research |
Centre for International Forestry Research |
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law |
Convention International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Adopted in 1973, entered into force in 1975. |
Climate Change |
Change of climate, which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods (UNFCCC) |
Climate Conventions |
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol |
Convention on Long-range Trans-boundary Air Pollution |
Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Also called the Bonn Convention. Adopted in 1979, and entered into force in 1983. |
Coalition |
A group of like-minded States or delegation that work together towards a common objective |
Committee on Fisheries of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
Committee on Forestry |
Participatory Forest Management Committee (Benin) (known by its French acronym) |
CO2E |
Carbon Dioxide Equivalent |
Community Forestry |
Forestry management that includes local people in planning and implementing forestry activities |
Complementarities |
Funding principle according to which funded activities must be coherent with national programmes and policies to maximize global environment benefits |
Compliance |
Fulfilment by a Party of its obligations under an international agreement |
Compliance-Grade MRV |
A monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) process that ensure reliable climate benefit, associated with real and measurable emission reductions and enhancement of removals (quantified in tonnes of CO@, equivalent) that are compliant with the standards required by the IPCC |
Conference of the Parties |
One of the designations for the main negotiating body under an international agreement. The COP is a policy-making body that meets periodically to take stock of implementation of the agreement and adopt decisions, resolutions, or recommendations for the future implementation of the agreement. |
consensus |
A made of adoption of decisions, resolutions, or recommendation without voting. A decision is adopted by consensus if there is no formal explicit, objection made. Whether there is consensus on an issues or not is determined by the presiding officer on the basic of the views expressed by delegates and his/her subjective assessment of the sense of the meeting. |
Contract Group |
A group formed during negotiations to reach consensus on an issue proving particularly contentious. May be established by the COP or a Committee of the Whole and is open to all Parties and sometimes to observers. |
Convention |
A binding agreement between States. Generally used for formal multilateral instruments with a broad number of parties |
Conference of the Parties |
Conference of the Parties to a Convention serving as Meeting of the Parties to a Protocol |
Committee of the whole. Subset of a Plenary, open to all Parties, to facilitate negotiations on specific issues. Often created by a COP to aid in negotiating text, it consists of the same membership as the COP. When the committee has finished its work, it turn the text over to the COP, which finalized and adopts the texts during a plenary session. |
Component Project Activities |
Collaborative Partnership on Forest. A partnership of 14 international organizations, the work of which has relevance to forest. |
Regional Ramsar Centre for Training and Research on Wetlands in the Western Hemisphere (known by its Spanish acronym) |
Committee for the Review of Implementations of the Convention. Within the context of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the subsidiary body that reviews how Parties implement their commitments under the convention. |
Conference Room Paper. Working documents during negotiations. The acronym is also used to reference these documents |
(UN) Commission on Sustainable Development. Called for in Agenda 21 and established by ECOSOC as the highest level forum within the UN on sustainable development. Mandated to monitor the implementation of Agenda 21 |
Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility |
CV |
Curriculum Vitae |
Dbh |
Diameter at breast height |
Development adjustment Factor |
DD |
Deforestation and Forest Degradation |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (United Kingdom) |
Department of Environment and Natural Resources the Philippines |
Division of Environmental Policy Implementation of UNEP |
Decision |
Formal expression of the will of the governing body of an international organization or international agreement. Usually binding but may also correspond to soft law |
Declaration |
A formal statement of aspirations issued by a meeting. Usually issued by higher-level representatives. A declaration is not binding |
Deforestation |
The direct human-induce conversion of forested land to non-forested land (UNFCCC) |
Degradation |
Changes within the forest that negatively affect the structure or function of the forest and thereby lower its capacity to supply products and/or service. With respect to REDD, degradation refers specifically to a reduction in carbon density |
Decision Guidance Document |
Division of Global Environment Facility Cooperation of UNEP |
Delegate |
Representative of a State or Organization who has been authorized to act on its behalf and whose credentials are in order |
Desertification |
Degradation of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities (UNCCD) |
Dispute |
Disagreement on a point of law (e.g., the interpretation of an international agreement) or fact (e.g., an action taken by a State) |
Designated National Authority |
Daily Subsistence Allowance. Allowance paid to UN staff or delegates to a UN meeting, which intended to account for lodging, meals, gratuities and other business-related expenses during the period of the meeting |
Acid Monitoring Network in East Asia |
Emissions Trading Scheme |
EC |
European Community |
European Climate Change Programme |
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations |
Ecosystem |
Dynamic complex of plant, animal, micro-organism communities and their non-living environment, interacting as a functional unit (CBD). Ecosystems are irrespective of political boundaries |
Ecosystem approach |
Strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way (CBD, FAQ, and RAMSAR Convention) |
Ecosystem service |
Processes and functions provide by natural ecosystems that sustain life and are critical to of services to facilities such travel |
Eco-tourism |
Travel undertaken to witness site or regions of unique natural or ecological quality, or the provision of services to facilitate such travel |
Earth Day Network |
Expert Group on Technology Transfer, a subsidiary body under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
Environment Impact Assessment. Process by which the environmental consequences of a proposed project or programme are evaluated and alternatives are analysed. EIA is an integral part of the planning and decision-making processes |
Environmental Integrity Group |
Economies in Transition |
Emissions trading |
Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol through which Parties with emissions commitments may trade units of their emission allowances with other parties (UNFCCC) |
Environmental Management System |
Endemic |
Native and restricted to a specific geographic area, usually referring to plants or animals |
Enforcement |
Range of Procedures and actions taken by a State and its competent, authorities to ensure that persons or organizations falling to comply with laws or regulations are brought back into compliance or punished through appropriate action |
Entry into force |
Coming into effect of an international agreement, i.e. time which an international agreement becomes legally binding for the States that have ratified it or acceded to it or otherwise expressed their consent to be bound by the agreement |
Expert Review Team |
Emissions Reduction Unit |
ER |
Emissions Reduction |
ES |
Ecosystem Service |
Economic Transformation Programme |
Emission Trading System |
EU |
European Union, an Intergovernmental and supranational union of 27 democratic member states. The European Union was established under that name in 1992 by the treaty on European Union (the Maastricht Treaty). Member in its own right of several international organizations and a Party to various international agreement, sometimes alongside its Member States |
European Commission |
The executive body of the European Union. Alongside the European Parliament and the council of the European Union, it is one of the three main institutions governing the Unions. Its primary roles are to propose and implement legislation, and to act as ??guardian of the treaties?? which provides the legal basis for the EU. The Commission negotiates international trade agreements (in the World Trade Organization) and other international agreements on behalf of the EU in close cooperation with the Council of the European Union |
Ex-officio |
Latin phase meaning ??by virtue one?s position or function?? |
Ex-situ |
Latin phase meaning ??not the original or natural environment ?? |
Ex-COP/ex-COP |
Extraordinary Conference of the Parties, Conference of the Parties held outside the normal scheduled cycle of meetings of the Conference of the Parties |
Executive Director |
Title of the head of some international organization |
Executive Secretary |
Title of the head of some international organizations or Secretariats of MEAs (e.g., Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity) |
Extraterritorial |
Set of measures or laws that apply beyond a State?s jurisdiction |
(UN) Food and Agriculture Organization |
Fourth Assessment Report of the IRC |
Fire Control Officer |
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. A world bank program created to assist development countries in their effort to reduced capacity building for REDD activities in developing countries and the testing of a program of performance-based incentive payments in some pilot countries |
ASEAN Fire Danger Rating System |
Fauna and Flora International |
Forest Monitoring System using Remote Sensing |
Final clauses/provision |
Clauses / provision of an international agreement that set the rules of the functioning of the agreement |
Financial rules |
Rules governing the financial administration of an international organization, a Conference of the Parties, subsidiary bodies, and the Secretariat |
FoC |
Friends of the Chair. An informal group of a few prominent negotiators invited to assist the Chair of a meeting, working group, or contact group to develop a consensus proposal on a specific issue |
Focal point |
An official or agency designated by a government to serve as the focus or channel of communications for a particular issues or agreement |
Forestry Information System |
Forest Law Enforcement and Governance |
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade |
FMUs |
Forest Management Units |
Free, Prior and Informed Consent |
Framework convention |
Convention that provide a decision-making and organizational framework for the adoption of subsequent complementary agreements (e.g., Protocol). Usually contains substantial provisions of a general nature, the details of which can be provide in the subsequent agreements |
Forest Reference Level |
Forest Stewardship Council |
Financial Times Stock Exchange |
Genetic Modification Advisory Committee |
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The countries who signed the GATT occasionally negotiated new trade agreements. Each such set of agreements was called a ?round?. The Uruguay round in 1993 create the World Organization WTO to replace the GATT |
Global Biodiversity Forum |
Green Building Index |
Global Biodiversity Outlook |
GC |
Governing Council |
Global Climate Observing System |
Gross Domestic Products |
Global Environmental Facility. Launched in 1991, Provides grant and concessional funds to developing countries for projects and programme targeting global environmental issues |
Global Ecolabelling Network |
General Assembly |
Shorthand for the UN General Assembly. The main political body of the United Nations |
General Clauses/provision |
Clauses/provisions of an international agreement or decision that create the context, principal and directions helping the understanding and application of the rest of the agreement or decision |
Global Environment Outlook |
Global Ecological Zone |
Government Green Procurement |
CHGs |
Greenhouse Gases |
Geographic Information System |
Global Invasive Species Programme |
Green Investment Tax Allowance |
Green Income Tax Exemption |
Government Lead by Example |
Global Ministerial Environment Forum. Ministerial-level forums on environmental policy open to all states. Held periodically in conjunction with the sessions of the governing Council of UNEP |
Genetically Modified Organism. Organism, plant or animal modified in its genetic characteristics by inserting a modified gene or a gene from another variety or species |
Gross National Income |
Gross National Product |
Governing Council |
The decision-making body of the UN Agencies, Programme and Funds; e.g.: Environment Programmes (UNEP) |
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamic |
Global Public Policy Institute |
Good Practice Guide |
GRAs |
Genetic Resource Areas |
Global Resource Information Database. The basis for UNEPs environmental assessment programme |
Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries. A regional negotiating group. |
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Outcome-oriented and target strategy adopted by the sixty Conference of the Parties to the Convention current and continuing rate of loss plant diversity |
German Agency for Technical Cooperation |
Global Taxonomy Initiative |
Genetic Use Restriction Technologies |
Green Technology Financing Scheme |
Government Transformation Programme |
Global Warming Potential |
G77 |
Group of 77. Originally group of 77 developing countries established in 1964 at the first session of UNCTAD. Now gathering more than 160 developing states. The Group seeks to harmonize the positions of developing countries prior to and during negotiations. China sometimes also associates itself with the G77, in which case the group is refer G8 red to as G77/China or G77 plus China |
G8 |
Group of eight industrialized countries comprising Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK and the US |
High Conservation Value Forest |
Habitat |
Place or type of site where an organism or population naturally occurs (CBD) |
Hard law |
Term use to describe the legally binding nature of various agreements or provision, which leaves no or little room for discretion |
Haze Agreement |
Shorthand for the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution |
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. Regulated under the Montreal Protocol |
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. Regulated under the UN framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol as well as under the Montreal Protocol |
High Forest Low Deforestation |
High-level segment |
Segment of meeting composed of the highest-level representatives of State Parties attending the meeting |
Hotspot |
1) Area particularly rich in total numbers of species |
2) Area of especially high concentrations of pollutants |
HoB |
Heart of Borneo |
HoF |
Head Of Forestry (FAO) |
Harvested Wood Products |
International Association for Mediterranean Forest |
IAPs |
Immediate Action Plans |
Intergovernmental Committee for the Cartagena Protocol |
Integrated Conservation and Development Project |
International Combustion Engine |
Local Government for Sustainability |
World Agroforestry Centre (formerly International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) |
In-depth review (within the context of the UNFCCC) |
Information, Education and Communication (under the Montreal Protocol) |
Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute |
International Emissions Trading |
Intergovernmental Forum on Forest |
Integrated Flood Management |
International Institute for Environment and Development |
International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity |
International Labour Organization |
International Monetary Fund |
International Maritime Organization (United Nation) |
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan |
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee. Forum established to negotiate an international agreement |
International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement |
Information document. Usually provided during meetings to provide background information to draft decisions, resolutions and recommendations. These documents are not subject to negotiation |
IN Situ |
Latin phrase meaning ?within the original place? |
Indigenous people/s |
No universal, standard definition. Usually considered to include cultural groups and their descendants who have a historical continuity or association with a given region, or parts of a region, and who currently inhabit or have formerly inhabited the region either before its subsequent colonization or annexation, or alongside other cultural groups during the formation of a nations-state or independently or largely isolated from the influence of the claimed governance by a nation-state, and who furthermore have maintained, at least in part, their distinct linguistic, cultural and social / organizational characteristics, and in doing so remain differentiated in some degree from the surrounding populations and dominant, culture of the nation-state. Also includes people who are self-identified as indigenous, and those recognized as such by other groups |
Informal consultations |
Exchange of views among delegations which take place outside the formal setting of negotiations. Usually undertaken with the aim of identifying a compromise position |
Inter alia |
?Among other things?. Often used in legal documents to compress lists of Parties etc |
Intervention |
Synonym for ?statement? |
Invasive species |
A species that invades natural habitats |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Established jointly by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UNEP in 1998 to assess the scientific, technical and socio-economic impacts of climate change |
International Payments for Ecosystem Services |
(1) International Plant Protection Convention. Adopted in 1952. Revised in 1997 and entered into force in 2005 |
(2) Integrated Pollution and Control |
Intergovernmental Panel on Forest |
International Plant Genetic Resource Institute |
IPRs |
Intellectual Property Rights |
International Smart Grid Action Network |
International Society for Mangrove Ecosystem |
International Organization for Standardization, Non-governmental organization, the members of which are national standards institute of 156 countries. Established in 1946 to facilitate the international coordination and unification of industrial standards |
International Treaty of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Adopted in 2001, and entered into force in 2004 |
International Tropical Timber Agreement |
International Tropical Timber Council |
International Tropical Timber Organization |
International Union of Conservation Nature or World Conservation Union. A hybrid international organization the membership of which composed of governments and non-governmental organization |
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations |
Jakarta Mandate |
Shorthand for Jakarta mandate on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity |
Joint Certification Programme |
JI |
Joint Implementation |
Kalimantan Tropical Peat Swamp Forest Research |
KP |
Kyoto Protocol A Climate Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
Land degradation |
Reduction or loss, in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid, of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rain fed cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest and woodlands resulting from land use or from a process or combination processes arising from human activity and habitation patterns |
Low Carbon Cities Framework |
Low-Carbon Society |
Least Developed Countries. Countries at the lowest level of the scale of development. Status defined according to level of income, human resources, and economic vulnerability |
Low Emissions Asian Development |
Lowering Emissions in Asia?s Forest |
Leakage |
GHG emissions displacement that occurs when interventions to reduce emission in one geographical area (sub-national or national) cause an increase in emissions in another area through the relocation of activities |
Low Forest Cover Countries |
Landfill Gas |
Like-Minded |
Group of delegations that share common interests and positions on specific issues |
Like-Minded Megadiverse Countries |
A negotiating group of 17 megadiverse countries among those that collectively account for 70% of the world?s biodiversity. Mainly operates during negotiating on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) |
Land-Use and Land-Cover Change |
Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry |
Mean Annual Increment |
Management Authority |
Within the context of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), National body responsible for implementation of the Convention |
Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting |
Marrakech Accords |
Series of decisions adopted at the seventh Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), related to the Kyoto Protocol |
Mutually Agreed Terms, within the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) |
May |
As negotiating language, ?may? entails discretionary action and creates no obligation for the addressee. It is not binding |
Millennium Development Goal. A set of eight goals and associated targets to achieve poverty alleviation by 2015, which found their origin in the Millennium Summit. |
Multilateral Environmental Agreement. Shorthand for the Multilateral conventions protocols and other binding instrument, relate to the environment. Usually applied to instruments of a geographic scope wider than that of a bilateral |
Meeting |
Generic term used for conferences, summits, sessions, etc. |
Meeting of the Parties |
A body equivalent to the Conference of the Parties. |
Megadiverse Countries |
Countries which collectively account for 70% of the world?s biodiversity. These countries include Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Congo, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Madagascar and Malaysia. |
Member State |
State which is a member of an international organization |
Memorandum of Understanding |
A simplified type of international instrument which can be concluded between states, between States and International organization or between international organizations |
Minimum Energy Performing Standards |
Mangroves for the Future |
Monitoring, Reporting and Verification |
Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency |
Micro-organism |
Group of microscopic, organism, some of which cannot be detected without the aid of a light or electron microscope, including viruses, prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and eukaryotic life forms, such as protozoa, filamentous fungi, yeasts and micro-algae |
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment |
A global assessment of the earth?s ecosystems supported by the UN secretary-General |
Mitigations |
In the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol, actions to cut net emissions |
Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China |
Montreal Protocol |
Shorthand for the Montreal Protocol and Substances that Deplete the Ozone layer |
Meeting of the Parties |
Motion |
Formal oral proposal on a matter of procedure |
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil |
Municipal Solid Waste |
Malaysian Timber Council |
Malaysian Timber Certification Council |
Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme |
Multilateral Fund |
Shorthand for the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. Assists developing countries to implement the Montreal Protocol. |
Must |
As negotiating language ?must? creates an obligation to act for the addressee. It is binding |
Mutatis Mutandis |
Latin phrase meaning ?with such changes as are necessary on the points of detail? |
Malaysian Good Agriculture Practises |
Multi-Year Programme of Work |
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action |
National Adaptation Programme Action |
National Action Plan |
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan |
NC |
National Communications. Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) document by which a Party informs other Parties of activities undertaken to mitigate climate change |
NC2 |
Second National Communication |
NC3 |
Third National Communication |
National Communication and Biennial Update Report National Steering Committee |
National Biodiversity Framework |
National Energy Balance |
New Economic Model |
National Forestry Act |
National Forest Inventory |
National Forestry Policy |
National Focal Points |
National Forest Programme |
National Forest Programme Facility |
National Focal Points Working Group for Forest Products Promotion |
Non-governmental Organization Applied to community groups and not-for-profit organizations. In the UN system it also includes business associations |
National Key Economic Area |
National Key Results Area |
Non-paper |
Informal text aimed at facilitating negotiations. It is not a formal proposal |
Non-Party |
Refers to a state that has not ratified acceded, or otherwise become a party to an international agreement. As a Non-Party, a State may have limited rights to participate in negotiations or deliberations under the agreement, or to invoke provision of the agreement. |
Notification |
Formal communication that bears legal consequences |
National Steering Committee |
National Steering Committee on Climate Change |
National Steering Committee for REDD+ |
National Science Foundations of the United States |
non-timber forest products |
Non-Wood Forest Products |
Official Development Assistance. Also known as ?foreign aid?. Consist of loans, grants, technical assistance and other forms of cooperation from developing countries |
Objection |
Oral or written statement by which a delegation informs a meeting that it objects to the adoption of a proposed decision, resolution, recommendation, or measure |
Observer |
Non-state or state actor invited to participate in a limited capacity in discussions during negotiations. Observers are not allowed to negotiate text and have no voting powers. In practice, some observer States do negotiate, although they do not participate in final decision making |
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. An organization of 30 advanced economies on North America, Europe and the Pacific region that share a commitment to democratic government and a market economy. Originated in 1948 as the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC), to help administer the Marshall Plan for the re-construction of Europe after Worlds War II |
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Organization of eleven developing countries whose economies rely on oil export revenues |
Opportunity cost |
The cost incurred bt countries changing existing activities in order to reduced deforestation and incentivize the protection of standing forest (e.g., forgone profit from not issuing timber harvesting concessions). Used primarily to calculate costs of abatement beyond interim period |
Order |
Call to order. Direction by the presiding officer of a meeting that a delegate or group of delegates should be silent to allow the meeting?s proceedings to take place in an orderly manner |
Project Appraisal Committee |
PA |
Protected Areas, Geographically defined area which is designated or regulated, and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives (CBD) |
PAMs |
Policies and Measures |
Papua New Guinea |
Party |
Refers to State 9 or regional economic integration organization such as the European Union that has ratified, acceded to, or otherwise formally indicated its intent to be bound by an international agreement, and for which the agreement is in force. Also called ?Contracting Party? |
Patent |
Government grant to temporary monopoly rights on innovative processes or products |
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes. |
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
Advisory body to the ECOSOC, established in 2000 to discuss indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights |
Permanent Representative |
The head of a permanent mission |
Payments for Environmental Services |
Plenary |
The main meeting format of a Conference of the Parties or a Subsidiary Body |
Plenipotentiary |
Individual who carries or has been conferred the full powers to engage the State he or she represents |
Project Management Unit |
Programme of Activity |
Point of order |
Formal question raised by a delegation as to whether the proceedings are in order or a particular action by a delegate or a presiding officer follows the rules of procedure |
Policies and Measures |
Steps taken or to be taken by countries to achieve greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC) |
Preamble |
Set of opening statements called ?recitals?, of an international agreement, decision, resolution or recommendation that guides the interpretation of the document |
Precautionary approach/ principle |
Approach/principle according to which the absence of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing action where there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or human health |
Primary forest |
Forest largely undisturbed by human activities |
PRFs |
Permanent Reserve Forests |
Programme on Forest (World Bank) |
Protocol |
1) International legal instrument appended or closely related to another agreement, which constitutes a separate and additional agreement and which must be signed and ratified by the parties to the convention concerned |
2) Rules of diplomatic procedure, ceremony and etiquette |
3) Department within a government or organization that deals with relations with other missions |
Provision agenda |
Draft agenda of a meeting that has yet to be adopted |
Project Steering Committee |
Quantified Emissions Limitation or Reduction Commitments |
Quorum |
The minimum number of parties or members that must be present for a meeting to start or decisions to be made. The quorum is stated in rules of procedure, ant it may be expressed in absolute numbers or as a percentage of an overall number |
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat |
Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade |
RE |
Renewable Energy |
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation |
REDD-plus |
Reducing emission from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forest and enhancement of forest carbon stock in developing countries. |
the Regional Community Forestry Center for Asia and the Pacific |
Regional Forest Programme Southeast Asia |
Rapporteur |
1) Delegate elected/nominated to prepare or oversea the preparation of the report of a meeting |
2) Person appointed by a body to investigate and issue or function and report back to that body |
Ratification |
Formal process by which a Head of State or appropriate governmental official or authority signs a document which signals the consent of the State to become a party to an international agreement once the agreement has entered into force and to be bound by its provisions |
Reference levels |
A reference level defines the level of deforestation or forest degradation that performance is measured against. Reference level can be based on historical or projected deforestation/forest degradation rates, both on the national and on global level |
Reference Emission Rate |
Recommendation |
Formal expression of an advisory nature of the will of the governing body an international organization or international agreement. It is not bidding |
Reforestation |
The direct human-induced conversion of non-forested land |
Reservation |
Unilateral statement made by a State upon signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to an international legal instrument, indicating that it wishes to exclude or after the legal effect of certain provisions in their application to that State |
Resolution |
Formal expression of the opinion or will of the governing body of an international organization or international agreement. Usually non-binding |
Regional Forestry Commission (FAO) |
Rio Conference |
Shorthand for the United Nationals Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 |
Rio Declaration |
Shorthand for the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development adopted at the Rio Conference, the UN conference on Environment and development in 1992. Set of 27 principles on sustainable development |
Reduced impact Logging |
Ramsar (Convention) Information Sheet |
RS |
Remote Sensing |
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil |
Rules of Procedure |
Set of rules adopted by a meeting to govern the work and decision making of its formal settings |
Second Assessment Report (of IPCC) |
Subsidiary Body Implementations-in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice-In the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice-In the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation |
Sustainable Development Goal |
Strategic Environmental Assessment |
Secretariat |
The body established under an international agreement to arrange and service meeting of the governing body of the agreement and assist Parties in coordinating implementation of the agreement |
Session |
Meeting or series of meetings of a particular body |
Sustainable Forest Management. Concept according to which the full range of social, economic and environmental values inherent forests are managed and sustained |
As negotiating ?shall? creates an obligation for action for the addressee. It is binding |
Shall |
Should |
As negotiating language ?should? entails an advice not an obligation, to do something. However, while non-binding, it implies a stronger imperative than ?may? |
Show of hands |
Type of voting procedure by which delegations raise a hand or nameplate to signal ?yes?, ?no?, or ?abstain?. A vote by show of hands is an no-recorded vote |
Sustainability Impact Assessment |
Small Island Developing States. Low-Lying coastal countries that share similar development challenges and concerns about the environment, especially their vulnerability to the adverse effects of global climate change |
Signatory |
A State that has negotiated and signed an international agreement |
Single negotiated text |
Draft text compiling all the delegations proposals into a coherent whole |
Sinks |
In the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, any process, activity or mechanism which removes a greenhouse gas, an aerosol or a precursor of the greenhouse gas from atmosphere. The major sinks are forest and other vegetation which remove carbon dioxide through photosynthesis (UNFCCC) |
State Land Forest |
Senior Officials Meetings |
Senior Officials Meetings-ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry |
A fund established under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to finance projects relating to adaptation; technology transfer and capacity building; energy, transport, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management, and economic diversification |
Special Climate Change Fund |
Sponsor |
Delegation which proposes a decision, resolution, recommendation, or amendment for adoption by a meeting |
Square brackets |
Typographical symbols placed around text under negotiation to indicate that the language enclosed is being discussed but has not yet been agreed upon |
Stakeholder |
Individuals or institutions (public and private) interested and involved in a process or related activities |
Stalemate |
Points at which negotiations make no progress. Usually temporary situation |
Stalled |
Said of negotiations which are making no progress. Usually temporary situation |
Standard Nomenclature |
The scientific names adopted but the Conference of the parties to the Convention on International trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) for CITES-Listed species |
Standing Committee |
Committee established under various international agreements to perform certain function as agreed to by the Conference of the Parties |
Statement |
Oral or written expression of opinion |
Status quo |
Latin phrase meaning ?the current state of affairs? |
Steering Committee |
Restricted group of individuals planning the work of a major meeting. Deals exclusively with procedural matters |
Subsidiary body |
A body usually created by the governing body of an international agreement or international organizational, with a specific mandate |
Sustainable Development |
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generational to meet their own needs |
Sustainable Use |
Use in a way and at rate that does not lead to the long-term degradation of the environment. Thereby maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations |
Synergies |
Result of joint actives that go beyond the sum of individuals actives, making effort more effective and efficient |
Solid Waste Disposal Site |
Sub-Working Group |
Taxonomy |
Naming and assignment of biological organism to taxa |
Technology Transfer |
Transmission of know-how, equipment and Products to governments, organizations or other stakeholders. Usually also implies adaptation for use in a specific cultural, social, economic and environmental context |
Tropical Deforestation Emission Reduction Mechanism |
Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge |
TK |
Traditional Knowledge |
Technology Needs Assessments |
The Nature Conservancy |
Third National Communication |
To cast a vote |
To Vote |
To give the floor |
Permission granted by the presiding officer of a meeting to make a statement |
To seek the floor |
To ask permission to the presiding officer of a meeting to make a statement |
To table a proposal |
To present the text a proposal for consideration by other delegations |
To take the floor |
To make a statement during a meeting |
Terms of Reference. The mandate and scope for work of body or individual |
Traditional Knowledge |
The knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous people and local communities. Traditional knowledge is the object of various MEA provisions, including Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) |
Treaty |
International agreement concluded between states in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular designation [Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties] |
TPA / PA |
Totally Protected Areas |
Trans-agency Resources for Environment and Economic Sustainability |
Type II Partnership |
A multi-stakeholder partnership involving, inter alia, government, non-governmental organizations, business, universities, and/or other institutions. Type of partnership launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) to implement commitment embedded in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation |
Technical Working Group |
Umbrella Group |
A negotiating group within the climate change negotiations. The loose coalition is usually made up of Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the US |
UN |
United National |
Unanimity |
Type of decision making. A decision is adopted by unanimity when it has received the support of all delegations. Established by show of hand, voting or other means |
United Nationals Conservation to Combat Desertification |
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development |
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
United Nations Development Group. A forum bringing together UN agencies working in development and the Millennium Development Goals |
United Nations Development Programme |
United Nations Environment Programme |
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre |
United Nations Educations, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
Session of the UN General Assembly |
Special Session of the UN General Assembly |
United Nations Framework Conservation on Climate Change |
United Nations Forum on Forest |
United Nations Children?s Fund |
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation |
United States Agency for International Development |
United States Environmental Protection Agency |
Verified Carbon Standard |
Verify Carbon Unit |
Verified Emission Reduction |
Verbatim |
Latin Phrase meaning ?world-for-word?, ?in full?. ?way of recording a meeting?s discussion? |
Verification |
Independent third-party assessment of actual emission reduction |
Voluntary commitments |
A draft article considered during the negotiation of the Kyoto Protocol that would have permitted developing countries to voluntarily adhere to legally binding emissions targets. The issue remains important for some negotiators but the proposed language was dropped in the final phase of the negotiations |
Voluntary Contributions |
A contributions of any kind that unlike Assessed Contribution, is not assessed under a binding international agreement, including the furnishing of fund for other financial support, services of any kind (including the use of experts or other personnel) or commodities, equipment, supplies, or other materials |
Vulnerability |
The degree to which a community, population species, ecosystems, region, agricultural system, or some other quantity is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effect of climate change |